# GLPI Network - ApprovalByMail plugin
[README Français](https://services.glpi-network.com/documentation/1465/file/README_FR.md)
## Validation request
This plugin allows to answer a validation request directly from mail without logging to GLPI
Two new tags are available in notification templates
This tag generate a URL to automatically approve the validation request

This tag generate a URL to reject a validation request.
This URL redirects to a form to record the reason for the refusal

## Satisfaction survey
This plugin allows to answer a satisfaction survey directly from mail without logging to GLPI
Six new tags are available in notification templates
This tag generate a URL to automatically answered a satisfaction survey
Each URL corresponding to a satisfaction score :
* ##ticket.satisfaction.answer.1## = ⭐
* ##ticket.satisfaction.answer.2## = ⭐⭐
* ##ticket.satisfaction.answer.3## = ⭐⭐⭐
* ##ticket.satisfaction.answer.4## = ⭐⭐⭐⭐
* ##ticket.satisfaction.answer.5## = ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This tag generate a URL to comment a satisfaction survey
This URL redirects to a form to record the comment and score of the satisfaction of ticket

### Note
In the same way as GLPI, the user can modify his answer for 12 hours
## Ticket solution
This plugin allows to validate or reject ticket solution directly from mail without logging to GLPI
Two new tags are available in notification templates
This tag generate a URL to automatically validate ticket solution

This tag generate a URL to reject a ticket solution.
This URL redirects to a form to record the reason for the refusal

## Contributing
* Open a ticket for each bug/feature so it can be discussed
* Follow [development guidelines](http://glpi-developer-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/plugins/index.html)
* Refer to [GitFlow](http://git-flow.readthedocs.io/) process for branching
* Work on a new branch on your own fork
* Open a PR that will be reviewed by a developer